

ビーガンヤキニクのたれ/Vegan Yakiniku Sauce

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ごま油 小さじ1 +小さじ2
赤唐辛子 1-2本 
みりん 大さじ3
メープルシロップ 大さじ2 1/2
オニオンパウダー 小さじ1
ガーリックパウダー 小さじ1
しょうがパウダー 小さじ1/4
りんごすりおろし 1/4個分
白炒りごま 大さじ1


1 小鍋にごま油小さじ1と赤唐辛子を入れて弱火にかけ、1分ほど炒めて香りを油に移す。
2 みりん、醤油、メープルシロップ、オニオンパウダー、ガーリックパウダーを入れ、沸騰させてみりんのアルコール分を飛ばす。
3 りんごのすりおろし、炒りごま、残りのごま油を入れて冷ます。


これは甘口なのでお子さんでも大丈夫だと思いますが、もしとても敏感な場合は赤唐辛子を抜いてください。それでもちゃんとおいしいです。辛口にしたい場合は赤唐辛子を多めにして作るか、コチュジャンを足します。コチュジャンに入っている砂糖が気になる方は 豆板醤を使っても大丈夫ですが、豆板醤は赤唐辛子と同様に、炒めて香りを出してからその他の材料を加えます。コチュジャンは各自食卓の上で足しても大丈夫です。


Yakiniku literally translates to grilled meat, but it refers to a dish. Yakiniku can be vegan as long as you grill plant-based food as well as any other dish can be vegan.So I let the term remain and this is a yakinku sauce. As they say, what tastes good is not the meat but the sauce (or the spice). This sauce tastes just like a traditional one which is meant for meat. I bet your meat-lover friend would smile with this yakiniku sauce even though there's no meat!

I eat tofu almost everyday as my protein source. I'm glad I have more variety of flavouring tofu. This vegan yakiniku sauce boosts my appetite so much that I would eat a lot, and that's a good thing. It's good as a tofu yakiniku dip like the picture, and can also be used as a stir-fry sauce or a marinade sauce for your tofu or vegetable. Grill (or pan-fry) whatever vegetables you like. Everything would taste good with this vegan yakiniku sauce.

If you like, try and add some strawberry jam or marmalade and reduce the maple syrup. It's also good. Keep it in a clean jar, store in the refrigerator and finish within a week.


(Makes around 7 fl oz)

3 teaspoons sesame oil
1-2 dried red chili peppers
3 tablespoons mirin
6 tablespoons soy sauce (gluten-free one if on a gluten-free diet)
2 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1/4 apple, grated
1 tablespoon toasted white sesame seeds


1  Place 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and the red chili pepper in a sauce pan, and stir over a low heat for about 1 minute to transfer the flavour of the chili to the oil. 
2  Add mirin, soy sauce, maple syrup, onion powder, garlic powder, ginger powder, then bring to a boil so the alcohol from the mirin disappears.
3  Turn the heat off, add the apple, the sesame seeds and the remain sesame oil (2 teaspoons), and let cool.


This sauce is kind of sweet and not very spicy, so your kids are going to love it too. If they're sensitive to hot peppers, skip the dried red chili. It's still good. If you like the heat, use more of dried red chili pepper, or add gochujang, Korean hot pepper paste. You can add gochujang on the table depending on your preference. If you mind the sugar in gochujang, doubanjiang, Chinese broad bean paste would be a good replacement. If using doubanjiang, stir in oil to transfer the flavour as well as you should with red chili peppers (direction 1), and then add the other ingredients. I don't recommend sriracha as a substitute for hot pepper paste.

Japanese and English of this article are written respectively, not a translation from each other.

Author Yumi
English supervised by Dan