
Farmer's Market @UNN

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私たちはお腹がすいていたので、着いて早々フードトラックのところに行きました。サンフランシスコのファーマーズマーケットではこんなにたくさんのフードトラックがないし、ビーガンのものはないので、パートナーはとても喜んでいました。私はWISH FRESH SALADのサラダを、パートナーは野いえのタコライスをいただきました。私が選んだサラダのトッピングは、れんこん、オリーブ、紫キャベツ、アボカド、ドレッシングは芝麻醤(タヒニドレッシング)です。動物性食品が入っているドレッシングもありましたが、選ぶ際に丁寧に教えてくださいました。ドレッシングが野菜に満遍なく絡まっていて、量の加減が絶妙でとてもおいしかったです。タコライスの方も、サンフランシスコに住んでいてメキシコ料理に親しみのあるパートナーも大満足だったようです。

お店を見て回っていると、あれもこれも欲しくなってしまうのを我慢するのが大変でした。野菜は特に、いつ見ても買いたくなってしまいます。迷わず買ってしまったものは、スパイスのお店にあった、なかなか他では見ないカレーリーフと生こしょうです。カレーリーフはサンフランシスコのインド食品店でも見つからなかったくらいです。SASAYA CAFEでカレーリーフがまるごと入っているカレーをいただいて以来ずっと探していました。今度おいしいカレーができること間違いなしかと思います。生こしょうはどう使うのかと質問すると、まるごと味見させていただきました。とても辛いのですが、香りが高く新鮮です。でもやはりまるごとこしょうだけ食べると辛すぎます。口直しにレーズンまでいただきました。楽しくおいしいひと時をありがとうございました。




その後でCafe 6889のフードトラックでタコライスと大豆肉のからあげDONを買って帰りました。こちらのタコライスはグルテンフリーでした。生こしょうは数粒を包丁で刻んで、場内の別のお店で買った3色の大根に塩を振っただけのサラダに混ぜました。どれもとてもおいしかったです。

Dan came to Japan on vacation and we went to the farmer’s market at United Nations University on March 27. It was so much fun and we had a great time. He found this place as he always researches places to go since I really don’t go out and don’t know places. I’m very thankful for him.

It was larger than I had imagined. There were a lot of food trucks, which was so exciting, and people as well, but the atmosphere was somehow relaxing. There were vegetables, baked goods, chocolates, pickles, teas, spices, soaps and more. I would never get tired of looking fresh vegetables and rare foods. I always feel when I go to a natural food store that people at those kind of stores have a humane warmth and would make me feel we haven’t lost it, although I often feel like this world is made of machine in my usual life. I get a good food, plus a treat.

We went to eat as soon as we arrived since we were so hungry. Dan was very happy since he doesn’t see as many food trucks in the farmer’s market in San Francisco, and that some of them were even vegan. I had a salad from Wish Fresh Salad, and Dan had a taco rice from Café 野いえ. The salad toppings I picked were lotus root, olives, purple cabbage, avocado, and the tahini dressing. They are not a vegan salad shop but they were nice enough to tell me which dressings were vegan. The amount of the dressing was perfect and it was very well dressed around the lettuce. It was very tasty. Dan, who is familiar to Mexican food, loved the taco rice.

Everything at the stores was fascinating. It was hard to keep my purse strings tightened when there were beautiful vegetables but I tried. Two things I really couldn’t help were curry leaves and fresh pepper because they are just rare. I had been looking for curry leaves since when we had a very good curry at Sasaya Café, which had a whole curry leaf in the curry. I’m looking forward to using it in my curry. They gave each of us a whole fresh pepper to try. It was so spicy but smelled wonderful in my mouth. The raisin they gave us to fix the spiciness left in the mouth was also very good. It was a fun tasting.

In the area the waribashi piano artist was endlessly playing a nice music. He actually caught me more than the foods and I had forgot that I was still hungry as soon as I saw him playing. The idea of making a musical instrument with chopsticks itself is wonderful. But the music was more than that. I could tell what he was playing was what he was listening in his head. It felt like he was breathing through his fingers (and foot), becoming music in the air. I got a little obsessed with the unique atmosphere for a while.

I myself, though not great as his music or any other, sometimes compose simple music in my head. It’s too simple to try to play with an instrument. But to see him I felt if I try to play it and if I really want to, it could be better than I imagine one day. Then I was thinking; You should let it out when you hold something inside of yourself, and whatever it is, it could have a meaning later as you keep letting it out. If you hold it in because you think it’s useless or it’s not the way people love, the accumulation might undermine somewhere without realizing.

To look back, while I cared about originality, I tried to look for the rules and bound myself to what I thought I found. To be honest I find it difficult to decide what to cook and the ingredients in advance, and the amount of the ingredients before cooking to write a recipe. I usually cook spontaneously, using my five senses fully. So when I try to memorize correctly how much of what I used, it disturbs my rhythm and I don’t do well. I have considered it as my disadvantage, but I started to think I should focus on what I can do and go with my own flow. So from now on I would like to focus on more about how I do with my five senses. I’m actually very happy to be able to see the way which only I would do, not copying or something that can look as if I copied. I hope I could be better at expressing it. This has deviated from the topic of the farmer’s market, but this is how I felt from the experience there.

After that we went to the food truck of Cafe 6889 and bought a taco rice and a soy meat karaage don for dinner. This taco rice was gluten-free. I used the fresh peppers from the spice shop in a simple salad of colourful daikon which I bought from the market as well. They were all good.