
長いものロースト くるみリンゴソース/Roasted Yam Apple & Walnut Sauce

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・長芋 1/2本(約400g)
・オリーブオイル 大さじ3-4
・くるみ 1/2カップ 粗みじん切り 炒ったものか浸水しておいたもの
・りんご 1/4個 粗みじん切り
・にんにく 2片
・赤唐辛子スライス ひとつまみ
・リンゴ酢 大さじ3 またはワインビネガー
・メープルシロップ 大さじ1
・醤油 小さじ1
・塩・胡椒 少々
・ナツメグ 少々 お好みで
・チャービル 少々 お好みで


1 オーブンを200度に予熱しておく。
2 耐熱皿にオリーブオイル大さじ1を敷き、その上に約1cmの厚さに輪切りにした長芋を並べ、その上にオリーブオイル大さじ1をまんべんなくかける。オーブンで30分ほど焼く。
3 フライパンにオリーブオイル大さじ1 とガーリッククラッシャーでつぶしたにんにくと赤唐辛子を入れて、弱火で熱し香りを出す。りんごを入れて火を通し、くるみも加える。
4 りんご酢、メープルシロップ、醤油、塩、胡椒、お好みでナツメグとオリーブオイルさらに大さじ1を加えて火を止める。
5 長芋を器に盛り、ソースをかけてチャービルを飾る。



I love chinese yams. When they are raw I love the mucilage which has a health benefit, and also I love the floury texture when baked. I used to either grill or pan-fry them, but this time I roasted them and it was really good. It would also be good to just scorch them and enjoy the raw texture of the inside. The sweet sourness from the apple together with the koku from nuts tastes great with the floury baked Chinese yam. I think blueberries or even dry fruits such as raisins can be used instead of apple.

What You Need

0.9 lb (400g) Chinese yam
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
½ cup walnuts coarsely chopped (Soak for a couple of hours if raw)
¼ an apple coarsely chopped
2 heads garlic minced or crushed with a garlic crusher
1 pinch dry red chili pepper sliced
3 tablespoons apple vinegar or wine vinegar
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon soy sauce (or gluten-free shoyu of your choice)
1 pinch salt and pepper
1 pinch nutmeg (optional)
Chervil to garnish (optional)

What You Do

1 Preheat the oven to 400F.
2 Slice the Chinese yam into half inch thick slices. Heavily grease a baking pan with 1 tablespoon olive oil, place the yam and pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the yam. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
3 Place 1 tablespoon olive oil, the garlic and the red chili in a skillet. Heat over a low heat and stir constantly until it smells nice. Turn the heat to medium, add the apple and the walnuts and stir for about 30 seconds.
4 Add apple vinegar, maple syrup, soy sauce, salt & pepper, nutmeg if using, and 1 more tablespoon oil and turn the heat off. You can skip the olive oil here if it looks ok to you.
5 Place the yam on a plate, pour the apple walnut sauce and garnish with the chervil.


Since the mucilage of the yam is likely to stick to a baking pan, you will want to grease the pan with a little more olive oil. You can reduce the oil by using a non-stick parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. However, a certain amount of oil prevents the yam from drying up and becoming gummy.
Apple and walnut absorb and hold the liquid well and that’s why the amount oil needed is more. Please adjust to reduce it as you like for the sauce.

Author Yumi
English supervised by Dan

Japanese and English of this article are written respectively, not a translation from each other.